
I make films, photographs and electronic music. I build electronic musical instruments

Category: Music

  • Welcome Home – music video for Pega Loca

    Welcome Home – music video for Pega Loca

    Last Wednesday I shot a music video with the Dutch band Pega Loca. This is the second music video I shot with Eric van de Kerkhof, who started Pega Loca. Two years ago, I made a video for promoting the debut album “Welcome Home” of his previous band, Grain of Wood, with the track “Just…

  • New cabinets for 5U modular synth

    New cabinets for 5U modular synth

    Inevitability I have been building a lot of Buchla stuff last couple of years but I also built a few 5U modules. As my 5U modular cabinet was pretty much filled up I finally reached that inevitable point in time: the cabinets were completely full and I still had a couples of modules which had…

  • Reviving a silent Korg DW8000 synthesizer

    Reviving a silent Korg DW8000 synthesizer

    A lucky find Some time ago I bought a Yamaha EX-5 on eBay. As it was located close by I drove there to pick it up myself. While talking to the seller she mentioned she had more stuff for sale. The Korg DW8000 was the only thing I was interested in. I tested it and…

  • Custom cabinet for Buchla Easel

    Custom cabinet for Buchla Easel

    Buchla Easel analogue synthesizer clone I have been working on finishing my Buchla Easel analogue modular synth the last couple of months. That included designing a custom cabinet to house the modules. My “Easelesque” instrument contains 3 modules: the Buchla 208 Music Easel, the Buchla 216 Touch Controlled Voltage Source and the Buchla 277 Signal…

  • “Just A Little Higher” by Grain of Wood – a music video

    “Just A Little Higher” by Grain of Wood – a music video

    Yesterday Grain of Wood launched their new website including the music video I shot for them. It was a project I very much enjoyed as I love working with the combination of music and visuals. The band as well as myself really liked the end result. The band wanted to capture the feeling of playing…

  • Don Buchla Documentary on Kickstarter – 10 Days To Go

    Don Buchla Documentary on Kickstarter – 10 Days To Go

    Clarity Films Producer/director Connie Field and editor Gregory Sharpen of Clarity Films are working on a documentary about the synth legend Don Buchla. They started a Kickstarter project to raise the funds to be able to finish the documentary. They have 10 days left to reach their goal of $25,000. Please check it out if you’re interested…

  • Getting Old Cubase Files From Atari ST To PC

    Getting Old Cubase Files From Atari ST To PC

    I posted an article about this a little while ago and have since found a solution to get my old files into my current version of Cubase which is running on my studio PC on Windows. I tried exporting and importing and using older versions of Cubase on PC to no avail. Eventually I had to resort…

  • What Happened To Your Dreams?

    Jeremiah McDonald made a very amusing and touching video where he talks to his 12 year old self. While talking to his younger self he discovers his childhood dreams again and wonders what happened to them. [youtube width=”560″ height=”315″][/youtube] It’s a great film with a fundamental underlying question: What happened to your childhood dreams? Think…

  • cjLIVE with Zoë Keating

    Chase Jarvis had cellist Zoë Keating on his cjLIVE show last week. I had never heard of her before but was impressed by her remarkable live performance on the show. She uses a computer during her performance which basically allows her to record and loop recorded pieces of her performance while playing so it sounds…

  • Cubase: Atari ST and PC

    Cubase: Atari ST and PC

    Today I converted my old Atari ST disks to PC formatted disks that I could read on my PC. On the Atari disks were old Cubase 2.0 files of tracks I made during the 90’s. I would like to import them in Cubase 6.5 on PC so I can play around with them a bit.…

  • Cubase Studio 6.5

    This weekend I installed Steinberg’s Cubase Studio 6.5 on my studio PC, a rather old Windows XP machine. As I have a lot of physical MIDI gear I don’t expect to use a lot of the included virtual gear so processor bandwidth will not be an issue (I hope). It is a dedicated studio PC…

  • Impressions of Outer Reaches Studio

    While shifting through my video projects directory I came across an old video I made back in 2008 of my home recording studio. I named my studio after the title of the first audio cassette I released with Syndrone in 1992. The video was shot with a Canon XH-A1 and Letus Extreme 35mm adapter. I…